Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I simply cannot believe it's been a month since the doctor put your tiny warm body on my chest and I experienced the meaning of love at first sight. That overwhelming love I felt has intensely multiplied. You are so beautiful and seeing you grow everyday is one of the biggest joys I have ever experienced. Your smell is divine and soft, I hope I never forget the sweet scent. I will never forget the moments when you were just days old that I was able to comfort you for the first time. I held you, rocked you and sang you to sleep. These moments make me so happy. I have felt sadness, too, as I realize these days of your newborn stage are numbered. I am not ready for you to grow so quickly. Getting to know you during your first month has been truly remarkable. You have brought so much joy into our lives and becoming your mom has brought me so much fulfillment. Your little personality is shining more and more and you have a spark to you! I cherish you, my sweet girl. Happy one month old my princess.. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015


My beautiful princess...welcome to the world.. i finally meet u... thank you Lord for a safe and normal delivery
NOVEMBER 30 2015
Thank you my Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful daughter, she really is my main source of inspiration and my biggest love in this world..I love you little munchkin 
Before you even entered the world, you were anticipated, loved, cherished, and wanted. Now that I can hold you in my arms, those feelings have multiplied tenfold. I look at you with complete wonder, melt with each coo you make, and fall deeper in love every time you rest your tiny head on my chest. You are actually mine - my perfect gift from God — a precious life whom He has trusted to my care. I promise to takecare of u forever my little girl.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I’m now 24 weeks pregnant and it's a girl!!! i decided to name her Alexia..👧 From her grand pa's name "alex". There is no way to really describe how it feels when your baby moves inside of you. But Im not only felt my baby respond, I saw her respond, as did the other three people in the room that day during my ultrasound. Nobody will ever be able to convince me that preborn babies aren’t human and aren’t alive before birth, because my Alexia has proved them all wrong. She's my baby daughter from the day she entered my stomach, a gift from God, and my wonderful blessings.
That's all for now see you next blog post friends. ^_^